God of War Review – Shattered Chains of the Past (PS4) - Videogames Blogs

God of War Review – Shattered Chains of the Past (PS4)

It?s been a long five years since the last main entry to the venerable God of War franchise. The ending of God of War III left a little room for continuation of the series, but with the events that had transpired, a return to ancient Greece would have required Herculean efforts to retool the setting. Developer Sony Santa Monica?s answer" Change the setting to the lands of Norse mythology. Kratos is a demigod after all, right" So who?s to say that he couldn?t make such a drastic shift" Time to see if this epic transition has been a monumental triumph or an Olympian catastrophe. Check out our (spoiler-free!) God of War review now!
Incredible Visuals
God of War is a sublime feast for the eyes. Norse gods have never looked better. The environments of the Scandinavian region are exquisitely detailed, with lush plant life and even some wildlife popping up from time to time. Kratos? adventure takes him to otherworldly realms as well, each also well detailed and showing a respect of the mythology from which inspiration is drawn. Kratos looks better than he ever has, with a Letterman-esque beard to boot. Animation is seamless, as are the many cutscenes that tell the story of Kratos and his son in a strange land. While God of War looks great on any display, using a PlayStation 4 Pro hooked up to a 4K HDR screen ramps things up intensely. A special option unlocks when playing on the Pro, which instructs the game engine to favor either performance or resolution. The per...
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