Happy Thanksgiving Editor’s Letter: I’m Thankful For Video Games - Videogames Blogs

Happy Thanksgiving Editor’s Letter: I’m Thankful For Video Games

It’s Thanksgiving here in the United States, and that’s a day that we give thanks (or at least draw a larger focus on the things we’re thankful for everyday). Of course there are all the usual platitudes that I could graciously offer, and I’d mean every single one of them. I’m thankful for my wife, my home, my cats, and my health. I’m grateful for the opportunities that have been afforded me and the experiences I’ve had in my thirty years. I give a ton of thanks for the staff here at PlayStation LifeStyle. But I’m also thankful for video games.
It’s a broad thanks, and one that has multifaceted purpose for me. Video games are at the very core of who I am. For nearly all of the thirty years I’ve been on this planet, games have played a role at some level. They’ve been entertainment, coping mechanisms, boredom killers, bonding experiences, and career starters. They’ve been challenges, achievements, and just plain fun. Through games I’ve met some of my absolute best friends. Games have allowed me to make memories, reconnect with those old memories, and helped me through recovering after physical trauma. Games are a luxury, and I am thankful to be able to have them as a part of my life, good and bad. I’m thankful to the developers that put their hearts, souls, and time into these experiences. It may come as no surprise to those who know me, but I’m particularly grateful to Bungie and th...
URL: http://www.playstationlifestyle.net

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