Harmonix Music VR Review – Virtually Lacking (PSVR) - Videogames Blogs

Harmonix Music VR Review – Virtually Lacking (PSVR)

With the wider general release, virtual reality is being explored as a platform for many types of entertainment. Aside from more traditional games, we’re also seeing the release of many things that one could call experiences or applications, even on PlayStation VR. As a developer familiar with non-traditional applications of ideas, Harmonix seems like the perfect fit to work with VR and create unique experiences. Harmonix Music VR falls into the category of an interactive experience, giving players a new and immersive way to listen to and interface with their music, though it falls short of what I expected from the long tenured developer, especially putting their name right into the title.
Loading up Harmonix Music VR initially prompts you to choose from four different environments for music listening, each one with a different way to interact with the music visualization. Before I get into each of the visualizers though, let’s talk about the music. Harmonix is well known for their internal musicians, creating non-licensed tracks for each of their games. Most of this music is electronic in nature, and Harmonix Music VR includes a few selections from the Amplitude soundtrack, among others, but I skipped through these tracks quickly. The real draw here is being able to utilize the application with any music. I sought to listen to some selections of my own and loaded up a USB stick with a few of my favorites to see how Harmonix Music VR could enhance them. F...
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