Haunting of Verdansk is the Best Live Event Call of Duty Has Ever Done, Paints a Picture of Warzone’s Future

For a two-week limited-time seasonal event, it?s staggering how much effort went into Call of Duty Modern Warfare and Warzone?s Haunting of Verdansk. And it?s not just the new modes, scarily good premium bundles, or the trick-or-treat scavenger hunt. It?s the ?hauntification? of the entire map of Verdansk; the small spooky details tucked into every corner of the new nighttime version of the map that make everything feel fresh and new, giving players a reason to explore off the beaten path. In a year when we can?t (or rather, shouldn?t) be going to haunted houses to get our Halloween spook on, Infinity Ward is bringing the haunted house to the game you love to play.
Reportedly more than 1400 visual effect assets were deployed around the Verdansk map, including blood pools dripping upward in certain locations, specters wandering various areas, and ghost trains roaring through the subway system. Visual effects artists were given a bit of freedom to embrace their favorite horror imagery, which led to the Ghostbusters-like swirling of spirits near the Gulag, the ghost of Texas Chainsaw Massacre?s Leatherface appropriately hiding in Farmland, and SAW-themed rooms in the subway areas, complete with a freshly sawed off and bloody leg (an excellent callback to Cary Elwes? fate in the original film). It?s not just visual effects, either. Spooky sounds accompany the visuals?children laughing, chainsaw noises, etc.?really selling the ?Haunting of Verdansk? feel and increasing the tens...
Source: PlayStation LifeStyle
URL: http://www.playstationlifestyle.net
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