Hotfixes on the Way for No Man’s Sky Save Problems - Videogames Blogs

Hotfixes on the Way for No Man’s Sky Save Problems

No Man’s Sky is in the middle of a boom period, with the NEXT update not only bringing people back to the game, but significantly boosting its overall reputation. Even in spots as unstable as the Steam reviews, No Man’s Sky has jumped up to “mixed.” But with massive lists of fixes, updates, and additions, come new things to fix. Unfortunately, one of these new things is another bug that is killing peoples’ saves. However, fixes are on the way. Hot ones. You know, the good and fast kind.
The story starts with Reddit user Kanosei, who discovered the finer details of the problem and broke them down in a long post. Essentially, the problem is tied into expeditions. If you send frigates out on one, the game starts causing a line of code in your save file to clone itself over and over. Once the file hits 8 mb, that repeating line starts overwriting other parts of the code. There’s no coming back from that, sadly. Fortunately, Hello Games is on the case. Today, the developer released a hotfix, bringing No Man’s Sky up to version 1.52.2. This directly addresses the expedition bug, and sneaks in a few localization tweaks as well for other languages, especially Japanese. The hotfix is only for PC at the moment, but is coming to PS4 and Xbox One as soon as possible. Of course, we’ll let you all know once the update hits PS4. Until then, be very careful with expeditions.


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