Is the Future of Video Game Consoles in Portability" - Videogames Blogs

Is the Future of Video Game Consoles in Portability"

When I say portability, I’m not talking about dedicated handhelds or fear-mongering that mobile gaming is going to take over the industry. Let’s get over that joke right now. Those fears will never pan out. There’s a clear and very strong place for at-home, living room gaming, but there’s also a desire to have those experiences at the tip of our fingers. When I talk about portability, I am talking about the option to take those very same at-home, living room experiences on-the-go. When I talk about portability, I am talking about the Nintendo Switch.
Full disclosure: I was a Switch hater. I never thought it would succeed, particularly after the flop that was the Wii U. I saw its portability as a gimmick. No one wanted living room experiences on-the-go, and my evidence to back that up" The Vita. Sony had tried to bring console quality living room gaming to a handheld device and it had failed. I loved my Vita, but the product was simply ahead of its time and fit into a weird market somewhere between portables and consoles. What I failed to account for with the Switch was that it married portability to the living room experiences, instead of trying to make some weird clone that fell into the uncanny valley of not quite matching up to the console versions, no matter how good they were (Uncharted: Golden Abyss and Assassin’s Creed III: Liberation anyone"). At the time we weren’t taking console Uncharted on the go. We weren’t...

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