It’s the Last Day to Redeem Free PlayStation Plus Games for February - Videogames Blogs

It’s the Last Day to Redeem Free PlayStation Plus Games for February

Today is the last day that PlayStation Plus subscribers will be able to redeem the February PlayStation Plus games. The free games for February will go away on March 6. That means players still have time to redeem games like Knack, Grand Kingdom, Spelunker HD, Mugen Souls Z, Exiles End, and more.
Of course, there’ll be new PlayStation Plus games in place of it. New additions to the line-up in February include Ratchet & Clank, Bloodborne, Legend of Kay, Claire: Extended Cut, and more. It’s definitely a solid month for all PlayStation Owners. For more on the upcoming games, check out how it compares to Games with Gold for the current month of free offerings.
Here are the games both leaving and entering the PlayStation Plus Instant Game Collection next week on March 6, 2018 in North America and Europe: Leaving the Instant Game Collection

Knack (PS4)
Rime (PS4)
Starblood Arena (PSVR)
Spelunker HD (PS3)
Mugen Souls Z (PS3)
Exiles End (Vita)
Grand Kingdom (PS4, Vita)

Entering the Instant Game Collection in North America and Europe

Bloodborne (PS4)
Ratchet & Clank (PS4)
Legend of Kay (PS3)
Mighty No. 9 (PS3, PS4)
Claire: Extended Cut (Vita, PS4)
Bombing Busters (Vita, PS4)

These titles will become available on March 6, 2018. Until then, players will be able to redeem February’s line-up of titles.
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