It Looks Like Some People Are Already Playing Red Dead Online - Videogames Blogs

It Looks Like Some People Are Already Playing Red Dead Online

Red Dead Redemption 2 is supposed to launch its online beta in late November 2018, but with only five days left in the month, things are looking a little tight. However, a recent achievements leak suggests some folks may have started testing the mode on a grander scale. At the time of writing, 0.01% of players have completed the Red Dead Online Achievements on the Xbox One. Keep in mind, these achievements are the same as the trophies listed for the PlayStation 4. This percentage likely comes from playtesters working with the game.
The launch of Red Dead Online is the only thing keeping PlayStation 4 players from that illustrious platinum trophy, so surely there are plenty of people eager to take on the mode’s challenges. Unsurprisingly, Red Dead Redemption 2‘s online mode seems slow paced, with many of the trophies assigned to reaching certain ranks or fulfilling quotas. Online play is inherently a group experience, but trophies such as “Strength in Numbers ? Complete a Free Roam mission as part of a Posse with at least 2 members” serve as reminders that you won’t be going it alone in this game mode.
We’ll be sure to update you the second Red Dead Online drops.


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