It Seems a Read Dead Online Player Has Stumbled Across a Snow Ghost - Videogames Blogs

It Seems a Read Dead Online Player Has Stumbled Across a Snow Ghost

Stumbling across a paranormal occurrence in Red Dead Redemption isn?t exactly strange. Sure, the supernatural itself is odd, but many players find these secrets throughout the game world. In fact, Red Dead Redemption 2 alone features its fair share of the supernatural, like to UFO sightings, the Nite Folk, and swamp ghosts. It appears another paranormal oddity can be added to the list. A Red Dead Online players seems to have found a snow ghost in an area near Colter.
Redditor TheCodeWhistler59 captured footage of the ghostly apparition while exploring. It happened during daylight hours, so thanks to the ground being covered with snow, the Reddit user was able to spot something invisible moving away from them. Could it have actually been a ghost or might a glitch of some sort explain the mysterious happenings"
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