Knockout City Cross-Play Open Beta Begins This Weekend, Pre-Loading Available Now - Videogames Blogs

Knockout City Cross-Play Open Beta Begins This Weekend, Pre-Loading Available Now

The cross-play beta for Knockout City will begin tomorrow, April 2. To help players get right into the middle of the action when the servers go live, the beta is available for preload now on PS4 and PS5 through backwards compatibility.
All players will be able to take part in the beta until April 4 now that the developer has changed tack from a closed beta to an open beta. Regardless of whether you choose to play on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, Nintendo Switch, Steam, EA Origin, or Epic Games Store, you will be able to play with your friends on other platforms. There’s also cross-progression between platforms, so if you decide to try the beta out in more than one place, you can just pick up form where you left off.
This will be the first time PlayStation players have had a chance to try out the game following the closed beta on PC in February. The three maps (Concussion Yard, Rooftop Rumble, and Knockout Roundabout), three special dodgeballs (Moon Ball, Bomb Ball, and Cage Ball), and Team KO game mode will all be reappearing. The cross-play beta will also add the  Back Alley Brawl map, the Sniper dodgeball, and two more game modes in the form of 1v1 Face-Off and Diamond Dash. There will also be plenty of ways for players to customize their dodgebrawlers. The full playlist schedule is: Team KO

Start time: April 2 at 9 a.m. ET / 6 a.m. PT / 3 p.m. CEST / 10 p.m. JST
End time: April 4 at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT / 3 a.m. CEST / 10 a.m. JST


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