Kojima Wants Players to Get Into Death Stranding Easily, Talks “Overly Sexualized” Characters - Videogames Blogs

Kojima Wants Players to Get Into Death Stranding Easily, Talks “Overly Sexualized” Characters

Hideo Kojima has told BBC that he’s aiming for Death Stranding to be “something that people can get into easily” but ultimately, it’ll be unlike anything they’ve experienced before. We’re told that “after an hour or two” with the game, we’ll notice “something a little different.”
Discussing his new approach to the upcoming title, Kojima explained:
Bands that everyone remembers take risks. They constantly change their music from previous albums, adapting and evolving through the ages. They might lose some fans along the way, but they bring in new ones, that’s the kind of approach I want to take with my new game.
In the same interview, Kojima talked about “overly sexualized” characters in video games. While defending the portrayal of women in his previous games, he said: What I really want to avoid is, like you see in some games, characters with big breasts with no back story. If I make characters that at first glance might look like this then they’ll have a deep background story to give a specific reason why.
As for what comes next after Death Stranding, Kojima doesn’t have any set plans but he did hint at merging various forms of entertainment – particularly movies and games – together in future projects. He further said:
In life people are very busy doing lots of things. The time you have to choose what media or entertainment you experience is dwindling. More and ...
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