Konami Launches New Castlevania Website, Shows Off Requiem Features - Videogames Blogs

Konami Launches New Castlevania Website, Shows Off Requiem Features

Castlevania Requiem is coming out later this month, which coincides with the second season of Castlevania on Netflix, and you can already buy it right now on the PlayStation Store with a small discount. As part of the coolest Halloween in recent video game history, Konami has launched a brand, new Castlevania website, noting it as the official destination for Castlevania information and news for the forseeable future. Konami also released more media in the form of screenshots, some of them showing off a few of the features available for fans who pick up Castlevania Requiem.
The new screenshots show off a few of the emulation features for Castlevania Requiem, as Konami noted on Twitter it had been receiving questions from fans asking about them. The screenshots, which are part of the gallery below, show off some of the different border wallpapers you can set while playing the game, in addition to the ability to turn it off. You can also see the difference between the games with and without pixel-smoothing turned on. The website itself is understandably a bit empty at this point, featuring blog-style posts for both Castlevania Requiem: Symphony of the Night and Rondo of Blood, and Castlevania season 2.
What is cool, though, is the website’s history section, which features every major Castlevania release, going all the way back to the 1987 original. Some games feature shop links where they can, but even obscure content like the Haunted Castle arcade game and C...
URL: http://www.playstationlifestyle.net

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