Konami Reports Increase in Sales and Profit, Thanks to Mobile Success - Videogames Blogs

Konami Reports Increase in Sales and Profit, Thanks to Mobile Success

Konami has reported an increase in sales and profit for the 9-month period ended December 31, 2017. The company saw a 9 percent year-on-year increase in revenue, which totaled ¥178.7 billion, and a 30.2 percent increase in operating profit, which stood at ¥38.5 billion.
The success of mobile games was the main driver of revenue. Jikkyou Pawafuru Puroyakyu and Professional Baseball Spirits A continue to enjoy a strong performance alongside PES Card Collection, which reached 80 million downloads in January 2018.
On the console and PC video games front, Konami says that PES 2018 and Nintendo Switch’s Super Bomberman R continue to enjoy a “stable” performance.
Looking forward, the company is set to release Metal Gear Survive soon. It’s also planning to release Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner ? MARS, a remastered version of the original Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner, on PlayStation 4 with PS VR support. The report reads:
With the spread of entertainment offered through networks, the available means of providing games continue to diversify. Opportunities to reach an even greater audience for games are increasing. Against this background, we intend to develop ways of playing games that match the characteristics of each device.
As the preference for enriching daily life through full and abundant experiences has strengthened in the entertainment market, we continue to make efforts to create and provide ?Valuable Time? to customers throug...
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