LawBreakers and the Joy of Learning - Videogames Blogs

LawBreakers and the Joy of Learning

I spent part of this past weekend playing the open beta for Boss Key Productions? LawBreakers. To be completely frank, I really suck at the game. That?s not to say that I didn?t have an enjoyable time with Cliffy B?s latest game, though, as it was really quite the opposite. I had a blast exactly because I wasn?t immediately inside the comfort zone that I?m in when I play Titanfall 2 or Overwatch online.
If I learned anything during my time playing LawBreakers it was that most of the games I play provide little in terms of a learning curve. Sure, there?ll be one or two mechanics that I?ll have to get used to, but when you?ve spent as much time as I have playing video games, there?s not often that many surprises. I didn?t find that to be the case here, as while it definitely falls into the arena shooter mold, there were so many different abilities and mechanics that I just didn?t truly understand.
Some of this can be attributed to the game failing to communicate some of its abilities well (and this is readily apparent when compared to how Overwatch constantly taught me how to play better with helpful hints that appeared after I died), but it?s mainly due to the game bringing something new to the table. My initial match was largely spent trying each class, realizing I had no clue what I was doing, and then switching to the next. Obviously this wasn?t the smartest way to play as it meant that I initially never got a good grasp on any of them, but I eventually found the shotg...

ARK: Survival Evolved Summer Bash
