LEGO DC Super-Villains Review – It’s Good to Be Bad (PS4)

Here we go again with yet another LEGO title regarding DC Comics. However, it’s not exactly anything they’ve done before. It’s not another LEGO Batman game, and it’s not a LEGO-ized version of the Justice League films. And no, it’s not a movie tie-in for The LEGO Batman Movie (although I would totally play that). It doesn’t even star the DC Comics heroes we all know and love. This time, it’s all about the villains from the comics and their Legion of Doom. Most importantly, it’s about the villain that you, the player, creates.
For the most part, TT Games has changed up their boiler plate formula, albeit not to the extent of LEGO The Incredibles. Character creation is actually now important, as well as required, and they’ve switched up the collectibles a smidge. However, by the end of the day, it’s still a LEGO title, so not much has really changed, not even the overall plot. LEGO fans will buy this on day one, no questions asked. Well, the only real question that needs to be asked is how many classic TT Games bugs features are included this time" Create the Most Powerful Villain
Before you can smash your first object for studs, you’re instantly transported to the character creator. The LEGO games have always had character creators, but I only tapped into them for the trophies. There is no escaping this one. You get to build your own villain from the get-go, including his/her name. I thought that sin...
Source: PlayStation LifeStyle
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