Life is Strange 2 Developers Give Status Update on Episode 2 - Videogames Blogs

Life is Strange 2 Developers Give Status Update on Episode 2

As they work tirelessly on the second episode of Life is Strange 2, Dontnod Entertainment has decided to give us a behind the scenes look at the current development stages.. The studio recently held an ?Episode 2 day,? an event organized for each episode that sees all team members gathering in a break from their usual tasks to play through the full episode and provide their feedback. The Life is Strange team commented on these trials and how they ensure a correction of errors:
Just two weeks ago we organized some Episode 2 playtests on a pre-Alpha build of the game, using one of our external playtest partners who specialize in recruiting gamers for these specific tests. Even with such an early and incomplete build, which is missing many assets and still obviously suffers from numerous bugs that need squishing, such playtests are incredibly valuable and help us immeasurably. We also have our own team members attend the sessions in person so that they can observe player reactions and feedback. These playtests will help us understand where in the episode players had difficulties, what they didn?t understand, what they enjoyed and or did not, and many other useful things that we can then fix! We are always very grateful for all the testers? feedback and their enthusiasm is a great morale boost for us! The first episode of Life is Strange 2 is out now. Be sure to check out our review on the first episode to see how it holds up against the first game.
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