Look at These Casual Costumes for Christa and Ymir in Attack on Titan 2 - Videogames Blogs

Look at These Casual Costumes for Christa and Ymir in Attack on Titan 2

Koei Tecmo has uploaded a new short trailer to promote their upcoming game, Attack on Titan 2. This trailer shows the casual costumes for two of the popular Attack on Titan characters, Christa Lenz (also known as Krista Lenz) and Ymir.
These casual costumes are available in the game and are unlocked after you reach a certain point. Once unlocked, you will be able to change the character’s costumes in an in-game menu. They will wear these costumes not only in daily life but even during battles as well; they are not even afraid to have their costumes stained with blood as they fly around with the omnidirectional mobility gear to kill Titans.
While these costumes are unlockable features in Attack on Titan 2, pre-ordering the game digitally on PlayStation 4 or PlayStation Vita (in Japan) will let you unlock Christa and Ymir’s casual costumes much earlier. At the same time, you’ll also unlock casual costumes for Eren Jaeger and Levi Ackerman, which are available as early purchase bonuses in all platforms for the first two weeks after the game’s release. Koei Tecmo’s Attack on Titan 2 will be released in Japan and Asia for PlayStation 4, PlayStation Vita, Nintendo Switch, and Steam on March 15, and in America and Europe on March 20. Note that for the Western release, the PlayStation Vita version is replaced with Xbox One.
[Source: Koei Tecmo]
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