Mafia III Glitch Montage Uncovers New Bordeaux’s Bug Problem - Videogames Blogs

Mafia III Glitch Montage Uncovers New Bordeaux’s Bug Problem

Mafia III, Hangar 13’s recently-released open world mob game, has a bug infestation – and we’re not talking about the creepy-crawly type.
Footage pulled together by YouTuber user CrowbCat reveals scores of jarring and frankly hilarious technical malfunctions, from sporadic NPCs suddenly becoming airborne to vehicles failing to respond as they were designed. Alas, it’s something we pinpointed in our Mafia III review, stating that “technical and graphical issues get in the way of progress on occasion.”
That’s unfortunate, then, particularly when you consider that the sequel’s map size is on par with that of Red Dead Redemption. In a separate video, YouTuber TheyCallMeConor posted a time-lapse of Clay sauntering across the game world, a journey that clocked in at approximately 1:23. That’s slightly longer than similar journeys made across both Fallout 3 and Fallout 4 in the aptly titled Across the Map video series. Tell us, have you encountered any glaring technical hiccups while venturing across New Bordeaux"

[Sources: CrowbCat (YouTube), TheyCallMeConor (YouTube)]
The post Mafia III Glitch Montage Uncovers New Bordeaux’s Bug Problem appeared first on PlayStation LifeStyle.


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