Marvel’s Avengers Level Grind is About to Get Even Longer, Devs Say the Current State is ‘Confusing and Overwhelming’ - Videogames Blogs

Marvel’s Avengers Level Grind is About to Get Even Longer, Devs Say the Current State is ‘Confusing and Overwhelming’

Marvel?s Avengers is about to get some changes to its XP and leveling system, but perhaps not in the way that you might have hoped. Crystal Dynamics is actually going to be stretching out the leveling curve, making it more difficult to grind out those higher levels. Beyond ?about level 25,? the XP requirements for future levels up to 50 will steadily increase. Crystal Dynamics says this is because ?skill points [are] currently being rewarded too fast,? and posits that this ?may be confusing and overwhelming to newer players.? They also say the goal is to make each new level up and skill point decision feel more meaningful. The change will be made in an update on March 18th.
If you already have characters at 50, don?t worry. This won?t affect them. But the blog post warns that if you want to level your character s to 50 quickly, ?take this time to do so before the update on March 18.? Multiple people are pointing out how bizarre this update seems to be; a largely negative change to the game that people aren?t asking for, while also urging players to max out their character levels on the faster XP system before the update in two weeks.
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