Marvel’s Spider-man’s Spider-Cop Is Officially Canon - Videogames Blogs

Marvel’s Spider-man’s Spider-Cop Is Officially Canon

In Marvel’s Spider-Man, while conversing with Yuri Watanabi, Spider-Man deepens his voice and reveals his new alter-ego, Spider-Cop. It’s an awesome joke that both Spidey and Yuri circle back to throughout the game’s narrative. Now, Spider-Cop is Marvel canon. More importantly, the alter-ego’s appearance in Spider-Geddon seemingly hints at his official suit.
Spider-Geddon is a limited series that features multiple versions of the webslinger, such as Scarlet-Spider, Spider-Punk, Insomniac’s Spider-Man, and several more. Apparently, Spider-Cop exists in this universe too, as the character’s headshot appears in Issue #4. No one looks more surprised than Insomniac’s Spider-Man.
On Twitter, Ben Arfmann, a writer at Insomniac, expressed his glee at Spider-Cop’s becoming canon. His tweet featured an image from the panel where Spider-Cop made his debut:
We’re canon now, baby! Much love and thanks to the Great and Powerful @Christosgage
? Ben Arfmann (@BenArfmann) November 21, 2018

The Miles Morales version of Spider-Man points out Spider-Cop in the panel, referring to him as a “grizzled veteran of the force.” He’s pictured in the top-right corner of a screen. In the image, Spider-Cop dons what appears to be a police-issued uniform, with Aviator shades to match. Spider-Cop also has a mustache, making him look all the more grizzled. What’s most intriguing, however, is that he w...

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