Marvel’s Spider-Man Can Apparently Be Beaten in 20 Hours - Videogames Blogs

Marvel’s Spider-Man Can Apparently Be Beaten in 20 Hours

There are so many games, and people have so little time. Still, most gamers prefer a long campaign, when it comes to their AAA purchases. We now have a timeline for Marvel’s Spider-Man. It will be approximately twenty hours long on the default difficulty level. If you get pulled into sidequests and other activities, it will be even longer.
Insomniac Games Community Director James Stevenson took to Twitter to confirm this playtime.

our average play tester took around 20 hours on default difficulty, but some spent a lot longer if they did a ton of side quests/activities
? James Stevenson (@JamesStevenson) August 26, 2018

In fact, Stevenson answered a wide range of questions from fans. He reminded the community that “paid story DLC drops [will] include new missions, challenges, and suits” and they should not be confused with microtransactions, which will not exist in Marvel’s Spider-Man. Unsurprisingly, you’ll need to have quite a bit of space available on your PlayStation 4 to fight and swing your way through this open-world:

will try to have an answer on that soon, but 45 GB minimum, probably a bit more + patch and stuff
? James Stevenson (@JamesStevenson) August 26, 2018

For those of you wondering if Marvel’s Spider-Man is the time to make the jump from the standard PS4 to the PS4 Pro, you can expect the graphical difference to be similar to what we saw with Ratchet & Clank:

Look at Ratchet & Clank comparisons if you wanna ...

Danger Zone 2 - Gameplay Trailer | PS4
