Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales Was Originally Just a Post-Credits Tease - Videogames Blogs

Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales Was Originally Just a Post-Credits Tease

Miles Morales plays a larger than anticipated role in Marvel’s Spider-Man. In fact, by game’s end, it seems Insomniac also sets the stage for him in a potential sequel. This wasn’t always the plan. According to Creative Director Bryan Intihar, early development positioned Miles in a drastically smaller role.
Warning: Spoilers ahead!
During a spoiler-filled interview with GameSpot, Intihar revealed, for what he said was the first time publicly, that Miles was initially intended as a teaser. Interestingly, the first iteration of the character’s introduction saw him as a post-credits reveal. Intihar explained,
Originally, Miles was not gonna be a big part of the game at all. He was originally just a tease… When we started developing the first story, he really wasn’t there until a post-credits scene. I think the original plan… He was gonna be watching the events of what happened in the game on a computer, and someone said ‘Miles’ or something like that… I had read the Miles comics over the years, but then I was kinda like, ‘let me read them, again.’ I started getting more and more into him, and I said, ‘is there any way we can put him more in there"’ And we talked a lot about making this a very unique Spider-Man universe. Like the familiar with the fresh. Familiar, but still mix things up. Intihar said that after the idea caught on, he spoke with Bill Rosemann, Marvel Games’ Executiv...

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