Matterfall Reviews Round-Up ? Is It Worth Playing" - Videogames Blogs

Matterfall Reviews Round-Up ? Is It Worth Playing"

Matterfall, the new platform shooter from Housemarque and Sony, released exclusively on PlayStation 4 today. It’s not only consumers that got their hands on the game, as critics put their thoughts to paper as well. We’ve rounded up some of the best reviews on the web for you to look at, and have linked to the game’s OpenCritic page, so you can check out even more thoughts on Matterfall.
Take a look at the Matterfall reviews below:

Matterfall Review Round-Up

PlayStation LifeStyle
PlayStation LifeStyle's Tyler Treese awarded the game a 8/10 and had this to say in their review: "Despite closing weaker than it starts, there's a lot to like about Matterfall's unique blend of platforming and shooting. It's great to see Housemarque trying something new, and besides some tricky controls, they nail most of their ideas flawlessly. PlayStation 4 owners can safely rack this up as yet another Housemarque gem."

IGN's Mitchell Saltzman awarded the game a 7/10 and had this to say in their review:
"Matterfall succeeds in adapting Housemarque's trademark style of fast, action-packed, arcadey action to th...

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