Media Molecule Teaches Players How to Create Cutscenes in Dreams - Videogames Blogs

Media Molecule Teaches Players How to Create Cutscenes in Dreams

Media Molecule streamed some live gameplay footage of Dreams today, and went over two of the creation suite’s features. First they showed how to create cutscenes in-game, and then they went onto talk about animation rigging & puppeteering. It’s a great look at what to expect from the PlayStation 4 exclusive.
Check out the Dreams PS4 cutscenes creation demo below:

For more on the game, check out our Dreams preview. Here’s what Chandler Wood had to say:
Back during Paris Games Week, Media Molecule and Sony confirmed that Dreams would have compatibility with PlayStation VR. You may have missed that particular announcement. I know that I did. Upon learning the news at PSX, my mind began racing madly with the possibilities. One more level of immersion and depth. One more tool to use. One more step towards complete creative freedom. Whether used during creation or program execution, Dreams alone would be reason enough to buy a PlayStation VR, even if nothing else ever came out for it. I didn?t get to see the VR Dreams in action, but I was assured that they are exploring a broad range of possibilities with the headset. I didn?t want to leave. I had so much else to see at PlayStation Experience, but I could have spent the entire two days mesmerized by Dreams. In fact, given enough time and creative energy, everything at PlayStation Experience could probably be largely recreated using Dreams, and that?s hardly an exaggeration. Did I mention that creatio...

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