Metal Gear Survive Update 1.03 Out Now, View the Patch Notes - Videogames Blogs

Metal Gear Survive Update 1.03 Out Now, View the Patch Notes

Metal Gear Survive update 1.03 is now available to download. The latest patch for Konami’s action game is a small one, and fixes one particular issue. There was a problem where “a certain type of router would hang up when trying to connect to the server,” but that has now been fixed.
Check out the official Metal Gear Survive update 1.03 patch notes below:

Fixing a bug where a certain type of router would hang up when trying to connect to the server.

For more on the recently released action game, check out our Metal Gear Survive review. Here’s what I had to say about the new release:
There?s something about Survive that keeps me wanting to come back to it. It allows me to experience the incredible gameplay of Metal Gear Solid V in a new and unique way, and that in of itself is quite the draw. Throw in a really solid gameplay loop that takes The Phantom Pain?s crafting and collecting to the next level, and it?s a game that will continue to eat up a whole lot of my time. Sure, a lot of it is due to it building off such a great framework, but few games can match it on a mechanical level. Those who are able to accept Metal Gear Survive for what it is will find one of the most captivating survival games in recent memory. It?s an incredibly unforgiving experience, which can definitely be detrimental at times, but one that ultimately feels fulfilling. Konami has taken the series in yet another new direction, but one that also feels in line with a...

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