Monster Hunter; World Iceborne Expansion Could Be as Big as the Base Game - Videogames Blogs

Monster Hunter; World Iceborne Expansion Could Be as Big as the Base Game

It has been confirmed on Twitter that Monster Hunter; World?s newest expansion, Iceborne, will rival the size of the base game. Seeing as the original Monster Hunter: World was massive in scope, the game?s newest expansion should be something special for players. Monster Hunter: World Iceborne will take place after the events of the base game and be set in a new arctic region known as Hoarfrost Reach. This new location will have new monsters to hunt, new gear to craft, and new stories to partake in. The Iceborne expansion is set to release on September 6, 2019 for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and will also release on the PC this Winter.
Check out the tweet for yourself!

Excited to confirm the size of new content in #MonsterHunter Iceborne will rival the original release! That?s one BIG expansion for all you hunters! ? Skells (@Skellylicious) May 10, 2019

Monster Hunter: World Iceborne will feature various different elements that will challenge players along their journeys. Since the region of Hoarfrost Reach is freezing cold and covered in snow, players will have reduced Stamina values while exploring and hunting monsters. However, players will be able to make use of certain consumables, like a hot drink to stave off the cold. There will be some hot springs within the expansion too, which will help players to recover from the cold, so make good use of these whenever you come across one.
One of the new features that will come with the Iceborne ...

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