Most Anticipated PlayStation VR Launch Games - Videogames Blogs

Most Anticipated PlayStation VR Launch Games

There is no denying that the technology behind PlayStation VR is exciting. We could very well be experiencing one of the first steps in the future of gaming, as virtual reality has the potential to be an absolute game changer. Naturally, this has made the anticipation for its launch on October 13 skyrocket.
A launch isn’t anything without good games to back it up, though. One just has to look at the PlayStation Move to see that good tech without solid games will flounder. Thankfully, PlayStation VR has a pretty slick looking launch line-up, even if it lacks the big Sony franchises that one would initially hope for. Check out our list of PlayStation VR launch games worth anticipating, as the line-up is definitely filled with some depth. There are a lot of reasons to be excited for next week, and we can’t wait to experience them!

Most Anticipated PSVR Launch Games

100ft Robot Golf
No Goblin's debut title Roundabout is some of the most fun I've had on PlayStation 4, so I'm naturally excited for th...

The Outer Worlds: Peril on Gorgon ? Official Trailer | PS4
