Mothergunship Review – One Bad Mother (PS4)

Guns. As gamers, we’ve been fed a steady stream of lasers, crossbows, bazookas, and sniper rifles since the genesis of the hobby. Like it or not, it?s a linchpin to the success of the entire industry. Sure, there are certainly games that don?t lean on this highly explosive crutch, but you would be hard pressed to find an object more crucial to countless high-profile franchises. While some are attempting to buck the trend and move away from a projectile-focused premise, it?s just as refreshing when someone throws caution to the wind and goes all-in on firearms. In enters Mothergunship from stage right, giving a double-barreled bird to countless activist groups in the process. Sometimes it?s more fun to make shit go ?BOOM!?
Bring the Noise At its core, Mothergunship strives to reduce weapon design to simply being an extremely deadly Erector Set. Every weapon that is seen on-screen in this first-person shmup (shoot-em-up) is designed by the player, by drawing from a deep well of interchangeable components. These handmade malice machines are then unleashed on a steady stream of mechanical machinations, hell-bent on tearing players limb from limb. Stepping forward into a new room results in all heavy metal doors clanging shut, and the fecal material hitting the oscillating blades. There?s only one way out: reducing anything that dares move to nothing more than a molten pile of slag. You are in the destruction business, and the industry is booming.
Clearing a room will lea...
Source: PlayStation LifeStyle
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