Nathan Fillion Will Not Voice Cayde-6 in Destiny 2: Forsaken, Replaced by a Familiar Voice Actor

This morning, beloved actor Nathan Fillion dropped his own short Uncharted fan film where he starred as everybody’s favorite half-tuck, Nathan Drake. Kotaku’s Jason Schreier got Fillion on the phone to talk to him about his role as Drake, but it also brought some interesting news bits about Destiny 2: Forsaken and the doomed Vanguard Hunter, Cayde-6. After getting hands-on time with the game at E3 this year, questions arose regarding who would be voicing Cayde-6 in Forsaken.
Clearing up any confusion, Fillion confirmed that it won’t be him quipping in the face of death this September. “I wasn’t available for [Forsaken]. It’s not me doing Cayde-6.” There wasn’t a falling out between the actor and the studio. Fillion says that he loves Cayde-6. He simply wasn’t available to do the voice due to a busy schedule and Bungie’s deadline for the project. “I would be excited to work with Activision again and do the prequel of how we get to Caydes one through five.” It’s an exciting prospect he pitches that probably won’t happen, but it’s good to know that Cayde’s different voicing was simply a scheduling issue. So who will be playing Cayde-6" Fillion cleared that one up for us too. “In a wonderful and amazing turn of events, that’s actually Nolan North,” he said, referring to Cayde’s voice in the E3 gameplay demo of Forsaken’s opening mission. Many peopl...
Source: PlayStation LifeStyle
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