NBA 2KVR Experience Review ? Space Jam (PS4) - Videogames Blogs

NBA 2KVR Experience Review ? Space Jam (PS4)

As we’re still very much in the early days of virtual reality gaming, it shouldn’t be a surprise that a lot of the titles that exist are collections of mini-games. It makes sense as it allows developers to cobble up a few different ideas that are fun in VR, and they don’t have to tie them all together into one cohesive game. It’s worked well in the past (for an example, check out 2K’s Carnival Games VR), and the NBA 2KVR Experience looks to deliver some basketball-themed fun.
If you’re like me, then your ears perked up upon reading the term “experience.” That hasn’t exactly been a flattering term so far for virtual reality gaming. Most of the titles that are officially branded as an experience haven’t been much of a success critically. There’s nothing wrong with feeling like a tech demo when something is free (check out Trials on Tatooine if you have an HTC Vive), but it’s a much bigger issue when a publisher is charging money for it.
Sadly, the $14.99-priced NBA 2KVR Experience doesn’t dispel the stigma as it offers up a bare-bones experience that is really hard to recommend to anyone. What’s actually here, which is four basketball-themed mini-games, isn’t bad by any means, it’s just that each section is fun for about 10 minutes before the novelty wears off. There’s no greater hook in-play, nor is there enough depth in any of them to warrant constant replays.

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