New God of War Trailer Explains How Players Can Have Their Own Unique Kratos - Videogames Blogs

New God of War Trailer Explains How Players Can Have Their Own Unique Kratos

Ten more days! That?s all we need to wait until we see the new dynamic duo, Kratos and Atreus. But that ?dynamic duo? phrase isn?t just for show, according to the developers of God Of War. It really means that not one Kratos resembles another Kratos.
According to Jason McDonald, Lead Gameplay Designer of God Of War:
This God Of War game is defintiely the biggest one we ever made, there’s a lot of content, and we wanted to make sure that out of all the players playing it, everybody plays a different way. We just want players to have choice. We want palyers in the game with a different Kratos as somebody else’s Kratos, even though he’s still Kratos at the end of the day.
In regards to just how customizable Atreus and Kratos is, Cory Barlog, Creative Director of the game said that: What we wanted to do is make sure that all the customizations that we offer to the player, fed directly into the core loop of the game. All of Atreus’ sort of ‘core abilities,’ all of Kratos’ core abilities as well as, kind of his reactions, the cooldowns and how fast those go, all his damage, and all of his abilities to take damage; all of those things are factors that you can have control over.
A quick overview of the game can be found below, via its PlayStation game page:
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