New Planet of the Apes: Last Frontier Trailer Introduces Clarence - Videogames Blogs

New Planet of the Apes: Last Frontier Trailer Introduces Clarence

Imaginati Studio has released a new trailer for its upcoming title, Planet of the Apes: Last Frontier, introducing Clarence. The following description accompanies the video:
Meet Clarence, confidant to Khan. After fleeing battle and his wife being killed by a soldier, Khan needs guidance. What should Clarence tell the apes to do: Go Back For Revenge or Leave And Seek Peace" Tell us which choice you would make in the comments below. How Will You Lead"
The video is second in a series of character introduction trailers that kicked off a week ago. In case you missed the first one, here’s Khan:

Announced in August, Planet of the Apes: Last Frontier was supposed to release this fall for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC. However, the recently released trailers merely state “coming soon to PlayStation 4.” Here’s an official description of the title:
Planet of the Apes: Last Frontier is a narrative adventure game of conquest, betrayal, and survival.
The game allows you to follow and interact with a new group of characters. The tale is a new one set in the North American Rocky Mountains during the timeline between Dawn of Planet of the Apes and War for Planet of the Apes. Explore your own morals and ethics as you drive the fortunes of an ape troop and band of human survivors. Your decisions will have real consequences as these two worlds collide amidst a stunning backdrop.
We’ll update our readers when a release date is announced.
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