New RIDE 3 Trailer Shows Art in the Making - Videogames Blogs

New RIDE 3 Trailer Shows Art in the Making

Developer Milestone has released a new RIDE 3 trailer, which shows off some of the process the company uses to create the real life locations within the world of the game. This particular trailer shows off the digitization of Lake Garda, in Milan, Italy. Using techniques like drone-scanning and aerial photogrammetry, Milestone is able to strive for cutting-edge realism.
Here’s the word from today’s press release:
Called by Wiston Churchill the eight wonder of the world and universally well known to have been the set of a high-speed chase in the 007 Quantum of Solace movie, the Strada della Forra, near Lake Garda in Italy, is one of the most exciting roads for 2-wheel lovers, and now it will be available also for players: inspired by this ?biker?s paradise?, Milestone developers have recreated the hot spots of this track, giving the chance to all motorcycle enthusiasts to ride on one of the most scenic road of the entire world. Using aerial photogrammetry and drone-scanning, Milestone team has gathered all the data needed to faithfully recreate all the hot spots of the scenario, with the aim of reproducing not only the elements of the track, with infinitesimal differences compared to reality, but also the extraordinary sensation of riding these curves.
Announced back in May, RIDE 3 is coming out on November 8, for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.


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