New Teaser Images Emerge for Housemarque’s Next Game Stormdivers - Videogames Blogs

New Teaser Images Emerge for Housemarque’s Next Game Stormdivers

Late last year, Dead Nation and Resogun developer Housemarque announced its move away from arcade games. “Arcade is Dead,” the studio lamented in a blog post, while promising that work would soon begin on a new project in a different genre. It’s hardly a surprise, then, that Housemarque’s next game, Stormdivers, isn’t a twin-stick shooter. Stormdivers’ official reveal in April describes it as ?a high flying and heavy hitting, multiplayer centric experience.”
Since then, few details have come to light. Recently, the studio’s Twitter account began posting teaser images from Stormdivers, showing off weapons and an environment.

ACE Precision BO1-TR8-NR Long, also known as “The Long Boi” #Housemarque #Stormdivers #Teaser ? Housemarque (@Housemarque) July 6, 2018

The Yellowjacket! #Housemarque #Stormdivers #Teaser
? Housemarque (@Housemarque) July 20, 2018

Check out our first environment teaser. The Harbour! #Stormdivers #Housemarque #Teaser
? Housemarque (@Housemarque) July 23, 2018

These images do not offer much in the way of what to expect from Housemarque’s latest project. However, they do seem to emphasize that a shooter of some kind is in development. Whether or not it’s third-person or first remains to be seen.
Around the time of the initial announcement, Housemarque explained Stormdivers offers the developer its ...

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