New UK PSN Sale Offers Tons of Big Discounts - Videogames Blogs

New UK PSN Sale Offers Tons of Big Discounts

If you live in the UK, now is the time to buy some new video games. A huge UK PSN sale is running right now, with massive discounts on games from every possible categorization. You can save some serious bank on anything from high-profile AAA titles to all kinds of indie stuff as well.
The sales are listed on the PlayStation Store website under several categories. Of course, the Days of Play sale is still running, but there are also two other categories that are absolutely worth diving into. There’s “Games Under £12,” and “Games Under £4.” There are literally hundreds of games on sale, but I’ll list some of the best and most notable deals below:
Rise of the Tomb Raider: 20 Year Celebration – £11.99
Titanfall 2: Ultimate Edition – £11.99 Dead Rising Triple Bundle Pack – £11.99
Bulletstorm: Full Clip Edition Duke Nukem Bundle – £11.99
Marvel: Ultimate Alliance Bundle – £11.99
Yooka-Laylee – £9.99
Fallout 4 – £9.99
Octodad: Dadliest Catch – £3.29
If you’re looking for stuff a little more recent, the Days of Play sale isn’t offering discounts as deep. However, games such as God of War, Assassin’s Creed Origins, Far Cry 5, and Battlefield 1 are anywhere from 25% to 50% off.
For those of us in the US, similar deals are available as part of the Best of E3 Sale, which is offering solid deals on games related in some way or another to what was on stage at E3 2...

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