Ni no Kuni II Higgledy Stone Locations Guide – No Stone Unturned Trophy

Ni no Kuni II’s higgledies are small elemental creatures that support you in battle with healing and attacks. There are 100 of them to collect, and though you don’t need all of them for Platinum, you will need to collect the vast majority. Many of them can be cooked up using the Higglery in Evermore, but to get the No Stone Unturned Trophy, you’ll have to find all 30 Higgledy Stones scattered throughout the world. To assist you in that task, we’ve got our Ni no Kuni II Higgledy Stone locations guide, which also details which item can lure each higgledy out.
Ni no Kuni II Higgledy Stone Locations Guide
Cloudcoil Canyon
Cloudcoil Canyon ? Filigree the Flighty: Give Munchy Nut. The first one you will come across. Along the main path in the Slitherslide Trail. Cloudcoil Canyon ? Larrican the Leafy: Give Prism Pepper. At the end of Sidewinder Gorge, use the leaf to leap up. Follow this trail along until you come to two more plants that need spells cast on them and jump to the top. In the boss battle area here.
Wyvern?s Den ? Tove the Tenebrous: Give Single Cream. After entering, hug the right wall and move forward. You can’t miss it.
Near Evermore
Jumblewoods ? Twinkle the Twee: Give Rugged Fur. Keep to the right after entering. Behind the Higgledy man, to the right.
Jumblewoods ? Popple the Pure: Give Slumbergull Feather. Take a left after entering, then a right at the next big fork. At the back of the area farthest from the entrance.
Source: PlayStation LifeStyle
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