No New Battleborn Content Planned After Fall Update as Gearbox Focuses on “Unannounced Project” - Videogames Blogs

No New Battleborn Content Planned After Fall Update as Gearbox Focuses on “Unannounced Project”

Battleborn Creative Director Randy Varnell has announced that Gearbox doesn’t have any new content planned for the first-person shooter beyond its recently announced fall update. Although the game’s servers will remain up and running for the “foreseeable future,” the studio is shifting its focus towards a “highly anticipated unannounced project” (aka Borderlands 3).
Here’s Varnell’s note in full:
Hello Friends –
It?s been a while since I?ve communicated with you directly, so I wanted to take the opportunity to write to you as Battleborn rounds another milestone in its life.
As of this week, there will be no more Battleplans and there is currently no planned content after the Fall Update. Details of any future changes or news will be made on our forums or through social media, so keep your radars on. Never fear! Battleborn is here to stay. Nothing is changing with Battleborn, and the servers will be up and active for the foreseeable future. We announced the Fall Update for the game at PAX including some new skins, themed around some of your favorite Borderlands characters! That update will also include some updated title art (more full bar titles!) for the more significant challenges in the game, as well as some additional Finisher Boosts and Taunts. Also, there are minor balance changes in that patch.
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