Now Loading – What Do You Think of the Full PlayStation Classic Games List"

When it was first announced, the PlayStation Classic only had five of its 20 total games revealed. After we speculated on what games might be included (or more specifically, the ones that we wanted included) and determined if we were going to make a preorder or not, Sony has finally revealed the full lineup of all 20 games on the mini-console, with Japan getting a few different games on its version of the PlayStation Classic.
Now that the full lists are out in the wild, we decided to circle back with the PlayStation LifeStyle staff to see what they thought of the PlayStation Classic games lineup, and if it effectively represented the best or most iconic games on the platform. Here’s what the PlayStation LifeStyle staff had to say.
What Do You Think of the Full PlayStation Classic Games List"
The full list of games has been revealed! Here's what we think of them.
Annette Polis
Looking at both NA and JP versions of the PlayStation Classic, there's nothing on either that makes me need one. OK, maybe Parasite Eve, but a single game alone does not a purchase make.
Cameron Teague
I think the Japanes...
Source: PlayStation LifeStyle
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