Now Loading: E3 2018 Conferences, Were They Good" - Videogames Blogs

Now Loading: E3 2018 Conferences, Were They Good"

E3 2018 is finally behind us, well somewhat in the rear view mirror at least, so let’s take a look back at the week that was. Specifically looking at the conferences, we got showings from most of the big players, including Microsoft, Sony, Ubisoft, and EA. It seems like a lot of people are split on whether these were all good showings or if this was a sort of down year in terms of big reveals and amazing announcements.
Sony gave us an in-depth look at their four major titles, Microsoft went heavy on the Japanese influence, Square Enix kept it short and sweet, while Bethesda and Ubisoft showed off a fair amount of content. With all this in mind, we decided to ask our writers what they thought of the conferences in general. Was it an impressive showing for the industry as a whole, or was this a year devoid of those “OMG” moments" Anthony Nash (@_AnthonyNash)
Things started off really well, but I think overall it was kind of disappointing" Microsoft and Ubisoft were the highlights of the show for me, as shocking as that may be to say. Sony and Nintendo both showed off some great games, but their stream set up and how they went about showcasing games just kept killing off momentum.
Cameron Teague (@Lifewish_)
There were some really great and fun announcements at each press conference, but there just wasn’t a single “OMG” moment to be found anywhere during E3, at least for me. No one big surprise that made me go absolutely nuts. Pro...

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