Outriders Trophy List May Be a Bit of a Grind, Square Enix Explains Changes Between Demo and Day One With Patch Notes - Videogames Blogs

Outriders Trophy List May Be a Bit of a Grind, Square Enix Explains Changes Between Demo and Day One With Patch Notes

Outriders is due to be released in a week’s time and the trophy list has appeared on TrueTrophies, showing the Platinum trophy could take a bit of grinding to unlock. With the overwhelming success of the game’s demo and the feedback they’ve received from players, Square Enix also explains what changes they’ll be making for the game’s full release.
The trophies look like they’re going to take a bit of time to unlock. Players have to complete all side quests, kill several thousand enemies, unlock more than 100 weapon/armor mods, dismantle and sell hundreds of items, fill many journal pages and reach a high Accolade level. There are some story-related trophies too, so be aware that the full list of 44 trophies does include some spoilers.
Outriders Trophy List Outriders Platinum Trophy

“The Vanguard of Humanity” – Obtain all Trophies.

Outriders Gold Trophies

One Last Chance – Bring down the Drop Pods.
Squaretasking – Complete all side quests.
Gravedigger’s BFF – Kill 7500 enemies.
Been Everywhere, Done It All – Reach Accolade level 20.

Outriders Silver Trophies

One Way Ride – Prepare your truck to enter the Forest.
Multitasking – Complete 25 side quests.
Leave Humanity Behind – Reach character level 30.
Inventor’s Almanac – Unlock 125 unique weapon and armor mods for crafting.
Legacy of Enoch – Equip a character with epic or legendary items only.
One for ...
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