Passion in the Voice – An Interview with Firewatch Lead Actress Cissy Jones - Videogames Blogs

Passion in the Voice – An Interview with Firewatch Lead Actress Cissy Jones

Cissy Jones may not yet be a household name in video game voice acting, but it’s only a matter of time before you see her name and hear her voice in a number of major games every year. She’s an up-and-comer with credits in many games you’ve probably played, playing the likes of Doctor Duff/Doctor Patricia in Fallout 4, Joyce Price in Life is Strange, and more characters than any actor in Telltale’s The Walking Dead. Most recently she voiced Delilah, one of the two leads in Firewatch, which we reviewed very positively.  You can check out her full list of credits here. 
With Firewatch hot off the fire (please excuse the painfully easy pun), we had the opportunity to ask Cissy some questions about her role as Delilah, her work with motion capture, and her overall experience as a voice actress. 
PSLS: Hi Cissy, thank you for agreeing to answer some of our questions! Let’s start at the beginning. How did you first get into voice acting in video games"
Cissy Jones: I used to be a workin stiff. I hated it. Then I heard of a voice over school nearby and started taking classes. I was hooked from the get-go! I studied acting for a couple of years, managed to get signed to an agent, and made the switch from Silicon Valley to Hollywood! 
PSLS: It looks like you’ve been doing voice work in games for the past five years. As technology has improved, how has that changed the way you need to approach each role and the work you have to do&q...

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