Pizza Titan Ultra Making its Way to PlayStation 4 on August 21 - Videogames Blogs

Pizza Titan Ultra Making its Way to PlayStation 4 on August 21

Talk about delicious video game silliness. This one is as silly as they come. But it’s definitely the right kind of ‘silly’ if you know what I mean. Pizza Titan Ultra, initially released for PC in April 2018, is now on its way to the PlayStation 4 console and is going to launch on August 21, 2018. The news has arrived via developer Breakfall. Pre-orders for the game are available today on the PlayStation Store, and there’s a 20% discount and free copy of Starwhal to boot. 
Pizza Titan Ultra is being hailed as a 3rd-person action platformer that focuses on “fighting and smashing through a futuristic city, in a giant mech, to deliver pizza. Experience arcadey action with speedy attacking and dodging, while attempting to control the massive weight of a 10 storey mobile pizzeria ? just try not to make too much of a mess!” That’s right, Breakfall is known for Starwhal and that one was tremendously silly. Yep, silly and yet incredibly fun. If you want to learn more, check out our review of Starwhal.
As for Pizza Titan Ultra, well, here’s what it’s about (yep, you guessed it; it’s about delivering pizzas, just not the way you think):
Pizza Titan Ultra is a big little indie game wearing a rad 90s aesthetic and a colour palette that gives a loud shoutout to the sweet Saturday morning cartoons that inspired it. You can even build your own mech with parts taking cues from the best the mecha genre has to offer.
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