Pizza Titan Ultra Review – Self Destruction With Extra Cheese (PS4) - Videogames Blogs

Pizza Titan Ultra Review – Self Destruction With Extra Cheese (PS4)

You know, there aren?t enough dumb games nowadays. With so many titles concerned with building an extended universe or trying to actually say something meaningful, I feel like good ol? fashioned dipshittery has been getting short shrift. Then I get the chance to play a game like Pizza Titan Ultra and it feels like there is a newfound balance to the Force. What else would you expect from a game where you play as hulking, pizza delivering, uber-mech" Don?t think about it too hard, because when it comes to expectations this is very much a case of less is more.
In a World…
Set in a fantastical future where pizza delivery is far more violent than you would expect, Pizza Titan Ultra is, above all things, an action game. The game stars what amounts to a Pacific Rim castoff, with a flair for culinary perfection. In fact, the entire pizzeria staff resides within the literal belly of this mechanical beast. All the while, an opposing force of evil bots are hell-bent on preventing these drop-offs from happening. Yeah, it doesn?t make a ton of sense, but what did I tell you about expectations earlier" While the goal is to avoid causing destruction whenever possible, the poor customers are caught in the cross-fire of this dough-slinging turf war. Whole city blocks are reduced to slag in a matter of seconds, all in the name of delivering in fifteen minutes or less. Fortunately, it appears that each of the cities featured in the game have some of the most efficient insuran...

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