Player Finds Underwater The Last of Us Easter Egg in Uncharted 4 - Videogames Blogs

Player Finds Underwater The Last of Us Easter Egg in Uncharted 4

Naughty Dog games are typically replete with Easter Eggs regarding other Naughty Dog titles or PlayStation in general. Usually, players find them rather quickly, be it an overt reference or a subtle one. For a touch over four years, though, one The Last of Us nod seemingly went unnoticed. In diving into the depths of Uncharted 4?s early underwater section, one fan stumbled across a Clicker.
Twitter user GermanStrands shared their find with a few screenshots. The Naughty Dog dev responsible for the Easter Egg, Environmental Artist Anthony Vaccaro, has said this is the first time he?s seen anyone make note of this particular hidden gem.

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