PlayStation 4 Continues to Dominate Ubisoft Sales - Videogames Blogs

PlayStation 4 Continues to Dominate Ubisoft Sales

Ubisoft has revealed its financials for the first quarter of the 2018/2019 fiscal year, which began this past April 1. The first quarter came to an end on June 31. Once again, Ubisoft reports that its titles find the most success on PlayStation 4 by a significant margin. PC comes in second, while Xbox One trails in third. The following graphic breaks down the sales by platform for this fiscal year’s first quarter and that of last year.

There’s a slight decline in sales year over year for PS4. Meanwhile, Xbox One numbers remain the same; PC and Nintendo Switch see increases. The PS4 decline is worthy of note, since Far Cry 5 launched worldwide in March. A late June release for The Crew 2 could aid in explaining the lower sales, though. Ubisoft’s first quarter for the 2017/2018 fiscal year had more recent releases behind it. For Honor launched in February 2017, followed by Ghost Recon: Wildlands‘ March date. Or, perhaps, the explanation merely rests in PC and Switch gaining traction. Without hard sales numbers, it’s difficult to discern how much of a loss the percentages truly represent. The publisher also provides a summary of its performance for the first quarter:

Sales : ?400.0 million
Net bookings up 88.8% to ?381.5 million, outstripping the target of around ?350.0 million
Digital net bookings up 76.7% to ?287.0 million (75.2% of total net bookings vs. 80.4% in first quarter 2017-18)

PRI1 net bookings up 51.5% to ?125.9 million (33.0% of...

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