PlayStation Store Global Update ? February 20, 2018

Each week Sony brings PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, PlayStation Vita and PlayStation Portable owners new content, add-ons, games and more. PlayStation LifeStyle catalogs the PlayStation Store updates for the major regions across the globe. Check back every Tuesday to keep up to date with each week’s PlayStation Store Update.
North American Update
February?s PlayStation Plus Lineup
Knack (PS4)
Rime (PS4)
Starblood Arena (PSVR)
Spelunker HD (PS3)
Mugen Souls Z (PS3)
Exiles End (Vita)
Grand Kingdom (PS4, Vita)
Bravo Team ($39.99)(out 3-6)
Frantics ($19.99)(out 3-6)
PSVR Games
Apex Construct ($29.99)
Run Dorothy Run ($29.99)
PS4 Demos
The Persistence: Demo
Pinball FX3 – Jurassic World Pinball
RiftStar Raiders
True Fear: Forsaken Souls – Part 1
PS4 Games
Armored Warfare (Free to Play)
Bleed Complete Bundle ($27.99/PS+ $13.99)
Core Set Bundle ($19.99)
Deadbolt ($9.99)
Defender’s Quest: Valley of the Forgotten DX ($14.99)
Fe ($19.99)
Guilt Battle Arena ($14.99)
Hand of the Gods: Smite Tactics (Free to Play)
Metal Gear Survive ($39.99)
NARUTO TO BORUTO: Shinobi Striker – Open Beta (Free)
Premium Pool Arena ($9.99)
Secret of Mana ($39.99)
Slice, Dice, and Rice ($17.99)
Symmetry ($17.99/PS+ $16.19)
The Station ($14.99)
Tiles ($3.99)
Wired Arcade Bundle ($24.99)
Xenon Valkyrie+ ($8.99)
PS4 Add-on Content
Armored Warfare DLC ($2.99 and up to $139.99)
Crossout – Valentine’s Day Pack ($19.99)
Injustice 2 TMNT ($9.99)
Source: PlayStation LifeStyle
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SNK 40th Anniversary Collection - Launch Trailer | PS4 |