PlayStation Store Global Update ? May 29, 2018

Each week Sony brings PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, PlayStation Vita and PlayStation Portable owners new content, add-ons, games and more. PlayStation LifeStyle catalogs the PlayStation Store updates for the major regions across the globe. Check back every Tuesday to keep up to date with each week’s PlayStation Store Update.
North American Update
May?s PlayStation Plus Lineup
Beyond Two Souls (PS4)
Rayman Legends (PS4)
Risen 3: Titan Lords (PS3)
Eat Them (PS3)
King Oddball (PS Vita)
Furmins (PS Vita)
Super Bomberman R ($39.99)(out 6-12)
PSVR Games
Along Together ($19.99/PS+ $14.99)
Black Hat Cooperative ($9.99)
The Perfect Sniper ($14.99)
To The Top ($19.99)
Wraith ($9.99)
ZONE OF THE ENDERS: The 2nd Runner – M?RS (Free)
PS4 Games
Agony ($39.99)
Birdcakes ($4.99)
Die for Valhalla ($9.95)
Dungeon Rushers ($14.99)
Far Cry 3 Classic (Free for Season pass Holders)
Harvest Moon: Light of Hope SE Bundle ($49.99)
Harvest Moon: Light of Hope Special Edition ($39.99)
The Journey Down: Chapter One ($9.99)
The Journey Down Trilogy ($39.99)
Kabounce ($14.99/PS+ $13.49)
Kabounce Digital Deluxe ($19.99/PS+ $14.99)
Knights of Pen and Paper +1 Deluxier Edition ($14.99)
Metal Slug XX ($19.99)
Moonlighter ($19.99)
No Heroes Here ($14.99)
Oh?Sir! The Hollywood Roast ($4.99/PS+ $4.49)
Old Man’s Journey ($9.99/PS+ $8.99)
PixelJunk Monsters 2 ($14.99)
PixelJunk Monsters 2 Digital Deluxe ($21.99)
SEGA Genesis Classics ($29.99)
Shift Quantum ($19.99)
Shift Qu...
Source: PlayStation LifeStyle
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Rainbow Six Siege: Y3S3 Pro League Bundle - New on the Six | PS4 |