Playstation Store Goes “Totally Digital” With Newest Sale - Videogames Blogs

Playstation Store Goes “Totally Digital” With Newest Sale

The newest PlayStation Store sale is “totally digital.” Some of the Store’s biggest digital-only titles are discounted from now until August 28. Games can be bought for up to half-off for everyone, and PlayStation Plus members will be able to take off another 10%. For preorders, PlayStation Plus members can get up to 20% off of titles that are soon to be released
Games like Guacamelee 2 ($15.99), Donut County ($10.39), and Death’s Gambit ($15.99) are all available for PS Plus members to pre-order at 20% off. For anyone who has these on their radar, this is the perfect time to finally bite the bullet and add these titles to your library (when they release, of course).
Some highlights include the Amnesia Collection on sale for $11.99, NBA Playgrounds for $11.99, Nex Machina for $9.99, Nidhog 2 for $6.74. Of course, these prices will be even cheaper for members of Sony’s subscription service. Whether you’re a Plus subscriber or not, you can get a look at the entire list of sales items over on the PlayStation Store. The PlayStation store has seen a bevy of sales lately. This newest sale comes right on the heels of this past weekend’s Flash Sale. Top-tier games including Resident Evil 7, Ni No Kuni II, and Far Cry 5 were discounted up to 40%, but you won’t find these disc-based games in the Totally Digital sale. VR users will find plenty of games to hold them over, however, as most of them remain digital-only titl...

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