PlayStation Trophies Are Now Attached to an Impressive 10,000 Games - Videogames Blogs

PlayStation Trophies Are Now Attached to an Impressive 10,000 Games

July of this year will mark the 12th anniversary of Sony introducing Trophies to the PlayStation ecosystem. Since then, thousands of games have launched with the in-game rewards attached. Thankfully, there?s now a firmer reading of exactly how many games feature Trophies. An incredible 10,000 games include Trophy support.
According to a report from TrueTrophies, the PlayStation audience can presently earn upwards of 297,265 across 10,000 games. TrueTrophies also created a nifty infographic, detailing a number of fascinating Trophy-related statistics. For one, 57 percent of the 10,000 games that support Trophies are on the PlayStation 4. PlayStation 3 is home to 26 percent of such titles, while the remaining 17 percent are on PS Vita.

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