PlayStation UK Boss: PS4 Was “Britain’s Best-Selling Console” in 2016 - Videogames Blogs

PlayStation UK Boss: PS4 Was “Britain’s Best-Selling Console” in 2016

Despite a strong few months by Xbox One, and decreased unit sales year-on-year in the region, PlayStation UK boss Warwick Light has confirmed to Games Industry that “PS4 remains Britain’s best-selling console for another year.”
Interviewed for the first time since becoming the head of PlayStation UK, Warwick added, “We comfortably won the Black Friday period, and the Christmas Peak and January. So we’re delighted with our sales. But it has been a fiercely competitive market.” He also heard from UK retailers that PS4 was “the most searched item for Black Friday across all categories.”
When Games Industry suggested that PS4 sales had reached their peak (Sony’s latest financial report shows they’re still rising), Light said, “There’s always been, historically, a natural bell curve occurring. I guess there are three ways we are trying to address that. The first is PS4 Pro, the second is VR, and the third, I guess, is great games.” Discussing PS4 Pro, he said Sony is pleased with it so far:
Pro was a gutsy move by SIE. It’s iterating on a console mid-lifecycle with a view to giving players a heightened, or enhanced, PlayStation 4 experience. It’s no secret that it is following a mobile phone market model, which worked well there, but it is still risky. It takes a lot of investment to pull that off. I would say we are pretty pleased with the way that has gone, but it is early days. We nee...

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